Carolina Parenting Solutions, PLLC, is required by law to protect the privacy of health information about you and that identifies you.  This health information may be information about health care we provide to you.  It may also be information about your past, present, or future medical condition.  We are also required by law to provide you with this Notice of Privacy Practices explaining our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to health information.  We are legally required to follow the terms of this Notice.  In other words, we are only allowed to use and disclose health information in the manner that we have described in this Notice.  (We may change the terms of this Notice in the future.  We reserve the right to make changes and to make the new Notice the current notice available to you in written form and/or on our website at .)

Carolina Parenting Solutions, PLLC, may need to use and/or disclose health information about you  in order to provide the best health care and mental health care possible in several circumstances listed below: 

Treatment:  We may use and disclose health information about you to provide health care treatment to you.  We may use and disclose health information about you to provide, coordinate and manage your health care with others.   (Refer to #9 regarding mental health regulations.)
Payment:  Under certain circumstances, we may use and disclose health information about you to obtain payment for health care services that you received.  This means that we may use health information to arrange for payment (such as preparing bills and managing accounts.)  We also may disclose health information about you to an insurance plan before you receive certain health care services because, for example, we may want to know whether the insurance plan will pay for a particular service.
Health care options:  Under certain circumstances, we may use and disclose health information about you in performing a variety of business activities that may be called “health care operations.”  Such activities allow us to, for example, improve the quality of care we provide and reduce health care costs.  For example, we may use or disclose health information about you in performing the following duties:  •Reviewing and evaluating skills, qualifications and performance of health care providers taking care of you, •Providing training programs for students, trainees, health care providers or non-health care professionals to help them practice or improve their skills, •Cooperating with outside organizations that evaluate, certify or license health care providers, staff or facilities in a particular field or specialty, •Resolving and improving the quality, efficiency and cost of care that we provide to you and our other individuals, •Improving health care and lowering costs for groups of people who have similar health problems and helping manage and coordinate the care for thee groups of people,   •Cooperating with outside organizations that assess the quality of the care others and we provide, including government agencies and private organizations, •Resolving grievances with our organization, reviewing our activities and using or disclosing health information •Planning for our organization’s future operations, •Resolving grievances within our organization, •Reviewing our activities and using our disclosing health  information in the event that control of our organization significantly changes, •Working with others (such as lawyers, accountants, and other providers) who assist us to comply with this Notice and other applicable laws. 
Persons involved in your care:  Under certain circumstances, we may disclose health information about you to a relative, close personal friend or any other person you identify if that person is involved in your care and the information is relevant to your care.  If the individual is incompetent, we may disclose health information about the incompetent to a guardian or other person responsible for the incompetent.

  **If the individual is a minor, we may disclose health information about the minor to a parent, guardian or other person responsible for the minor except in limited circumstances.  We may also use or disclose health information about you to a relative, another person involved in your care or possibly a disaster relief organization (such as Red Cross) if we need to notify someone about your location or condition.  You may ask us at any time not to disclose health information about you to persons involved in your care.  We will agree to your request and not disclose the information except in certain circumstances (such as emergencies) or if the patient is a minor.  If the patient is a minor, we may or may not be able to agree to your request.
Required by law:  We will use and disclose health information about you whenever we are required by law to do so.  There are many State and federal laws that require us to use and disclose health information.  Fore example, State laws require us to report known or suspected child abuse or neglect to authorities as well as the Department of Social Services.  We will comply with those State laws and with all other applicable laws.

National priority uses and disclosures: 

When permitted by law, we may use or disclose health information about you without your permission for various activities that are recognized as “national priorities.”  In other words, the government has determined that under certain circumstances (described below), it is so important to disclose health information that it is acceptable to disclose health information without the individual’s permission.  We will only disclose health information about you in the following circumstances when we are permitted to do so by law.  •Threat to health or safety:  We may disclose health information about you if we believe it is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious threat or safety.  Public health activity:  We may disclose health information about you for public health activities. •Public health activities require the use of health information for various activities, including, but not limited to, activities related to investigating diseases, reporting child abuse and neglect, monitoring drugs or devices regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, and monitoring work-related illnesses or injuries.  •Abuse, neglect or domestic violence:  We may disclose health information about you to a government authority (such as the Department of Social Services) if you are an adult and we believe that you may be a victim of abuse, neglect or domestic violence.  •Health oversight activities:  We may disclose health information about you to a health oversight agency-which is basically an agency responsible for overseeing the health care system or certain government programs.  •Court proceedings:  We may disclose health information about you to a court or an officer of the court (such as an attorney.)  •Law enforcement:  We may disclose health information about you to a law enforcement official for specific law enforcement purposes.  •Coroners and others:  We may disclose health information about you to a coroner, medical examiner, or funeral director or to organizations that help with organ, eye and tissue transplants.  •Worker’s compensation:  We may disclose health information about you in order to comply with workers’ compensation laws.  •Research organizations:  We may use or disclose health information about you to research organizations if the organization has satisfied certain conditions about protecting the privacy of health information.  •Certain government functions:  We may use or disclose health information about you for certain government functions, including, but not limited to, military and veterans’ activities and national security and intelligence activities.  We may also use or disclose health information about you to a correctional institution in some circumstances.

Appointment Reminders: 

We may use and/or disclose health information to contact you as a reminder that you have an appointment for treatment.
Treatment Alternatives:  We may use and/or disclose health information about you in order to inform you of or recommend new treatment of different methods for treating a medical condition that you have or to inform you of other health related benefits and services that may be of interest to you.

Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Health Information: 

If you receive treatment, including counseling or other health care treatment, for a developmental disability, drug or alcohol abuse or a general mental health issue, Chapter 122C of North Carolina law may further limit our ability under certain circumstances to release that information without your prior consent.  Furthermore, if the treatment you are receiving is for substance abuse, certain federal laws (42 C.F.R. Part 2) apply that may also limit our ability to release that information without your prior consent.  We will comply with these laws in an effort to protect the privacy of your health information.

Authorization:  Other than the users and disclosures described above, we will not use or disclose health information about you without the “authorization” – or signed permission-of you or your personal representative.  In some instances, we may wish to use or disclose health information about you and we may contact you to ask you to sign an authorization form.  If you sign a written authorization allowing us to disclose health information about you , you may later revoke (or cancel) your authorization and the approximate date that the authorization was signed by you.  If you revoke your authorization, we will follow your instructions except to the extent that we have already relied upon your authorization and taken some action.


Right to a Copy of this Notice:  You have a right to a paper copy of this Notice of Privacy Practices at any time.  In addition, a copy of this notice will always be posted on our website at
Right of Access to Inspect and Copy:  Under most circumstances, you have a right to have us amend (which means correct or supplement) health information about you that we maintain in certain groups of records.  If you would like to inspect or receive copies of health information about you, you may contact our Founder/Owner to receive an Access Request Form.  We may deny your request in certain circumstances.  If we deny your request, we will explain our reason for doing so in writing.  We will also inform you in writing if you have the right to have our decision reviewed by another person.  We may be able to provide you a summary or explanation of the information.  This access applies to primary information generated by Carolina Parenting Solutions, PLLC only (not information from a secondary source that may have been added to the record.)
Right to Have Health Information Amended:  Under most circumstances, you have the right to have us amend (which means correct or supplement) health information about you that we maintain in certain groups of records.  If you believe that we have information that is either inaccurate or incomplete, we may amend the information to indicate the problem and notify others who have copies of the inaccurate or incomplete information.  You must supply a reason with your request to have us amend your health information.  If you would like us to amend information, you may contact the Founder/Owner to receive an Amendment Request Form.  We may deny your request in certain circumstances.  If we deny your request, we will explain our reason for doing so in writing.  You will have the opportunity to send us a statement explaining why you disagree with our decision to deny your amendment request and we will share your statement whenever we disclose the information in the future.
Right to an Accounting of Disclosures We Have Made:  You have the right to receive an accounting (which means a detailed listing) of certain types of disclosures that we have made from y our record.

Right to Request Restrictions on Uses of Disclosures:  You have the right to request that we limit the use and disclosure of health information about you for treatment, payment and health care operations.  We are not required to agree to your request.  If we do agree to your request, we must follow your restrictions (except if the information is necessary for emergency treatment.)  You may cancel the restrictions at any time.  If you would like to request further restrictions, you may contact the Founder/Owner of Carolina Parenting Solutions, PLLC to receive a Restrictions Request Form.
Right to Request An Alternative Method of Contact:  You have the right to request to be contacted at a different location or by a different method.  For example, you may prefer to have all written information mailed to  your work address rather than to you home address.  We will agree to any reasonable request for alternative methods of contact.  It is the responsibility of the client or legal representative to notify Carolina Parenting Solutions, PLLC of the alternative method of contact.

*If you feel your privacy rights have been violated  or if you are dissatisfied with our privacy policies or procedures, you may file a complaint either with us or with the federal government.  We will not take any action against you or change our treatment of you in any way if you file a complaint. 

To file a written complaint with Carolina Parenting Solutions, PLLC, you may mail it to:
Carolina Parenting Solutions, PLLC
3635 Manor House Dr.
Charlotte, NC  28270

To file a complaint with the state, you may send your complaint to:
NC Department of Health and Human Services
2001 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-2000

To file a complaint with the NC Social Work Certification and Licensing Board, contact:
NCSWCLB Mailing Address:            
P.O. Box 1043                        
Asheboro, NC 27204    
Phone: 336-625-1679
Fax: 336-625-4246

To file a complaint with the NC Board of Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors,  contact:
Post Office Box 77819
Greensboro, North Carolina 27417

Notice effective March 15, 2020

Privacy Policies


In-Home Child & Family Therapy
Professional Parenting Support
Infant Mental Health

 Carolina Parenting Solutions, PLLC       

 Phone: 704-718-8657

 Fax: 877-735-8447